Today is an American holiday, it’s Thanksgiving where families assemble together to eat. Though it appears to be innocent, the story behind this day is very sinister. I’m not going deep into its history, but one thing I’m mentioning is the fact of our people celebrating customs that aren’t of our own. What’s the importance of maintaining our culture? The importance is spiritual power and economic stability. While people think that arriving in America is the golden ticket to life, being here compromises our history as we have accepted practices that keep us oppressed. If you think that money is liberation, you are far from the truth.
Let’s test the theory that money is the answer to the problems for Tigrayans and other Horn Africans. As I’ve stated before, we are a people of Ph.D’s, certificates, degrees. And yet, we have no economic power as a people. Where are the resources that money generates which gives us power? There is none, so the theory that money and living in the United States is the answer is false. Money provides many things in our lives, but doesn’t elevate us into power. It is ያሁአ who elevates us into power and he uses money as a tool. Money by itself is just money with evil intent, and when there is no spiritual foundation from a person who has wealth, money is used as power to oppress people. But, when having money and serving ያሁአ, the agenda is to assist people. Tigrayans are positive & negative in between the two, we are not using money with evil intent, but we don’t have economic power to assist our people.
Getting back to the holidays. As we celebrate whatever holidays the elite has us performing, what are the most evident things? We lose who we are as a people, we lose the power of ያሁአ, we lose the ability to help our people from our resources. How so? Because what was meant for all the world to do, us Tigrayans are born to serve ያሁአ in great power. These American holidays we celebrate worship deities and Greek gods. These are entities that are man made and they want us to worship them to validate that they exist, and they don’t. They want Horn Africans to worship their deities so we will lose power in whatever investments we have, whatever land resources and minerals we have. We forfeit by celebrating their deities, their gods, their holidays. There’s no American holiday that celebrates the power of ያሁአ where we have power to overcome our enemies. They have power over us because we aren’t under the protection of ያሁአ. They know this, but we don’t recognize the deficiencies. We assemble too quickly into other cultures without question. I’m gonna continue asking the same question, where is our power for Tigray? Where does it derive? Who helps us to overcome our adversities? I’m continuing to answer with the same response… his name is ያሁአ.
Tigrayans, and other Horn Africans, will never gain power until serving ያሁአ, until we give up celebrating pagan holidays, Greek holidays and gods that keep us cursed as a people. Yes, you have a good career now, but you do nothing about Tigray being wiped out of existence and all its history. Do you see that the country of Tigray was removed off of maps in January 2023, and now called a region? We lost that much power where if a person looked us up, we’re nowhere to be found as a country. Wow Tigray, you really have lost touch with ያሁአ to lose that much power.
So if you’re celebrating any holiday from now until January 1st, you are worshiping Greek mythology and you are continuing the degradation of our people. You are placing a gun to the head of our history and culture, and pulling the trigger to kill who we are. These are truly celebrations against Tigray's well being. Claim the spiritual destiny of Tigray, serve ያሁአ today.
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