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Writer's pictureHorn Africa Prophet

Horn Africans: Failing the Class of Life

From: The Prophet, Menelik IV

To: Horn Africa

Re: Failing the class of life

Dear Horn Africa,

We have lost so many people in war and famine throughout the generations, and all because we don’t want to serve ያሁኣ. If you are a student pursuing a degree and keep failing, what would you do? Would you keep doing the same struggling habits in order to achieve your goals? How about getting a tutor to assist you to not fail the class? Does that make sense? The solution to our people not failing is getting ያሁኣ to help us not fail, but we choose not to serve him. We are failing the class of life by not serving ያሁኣ, and we will not receive a passing grade without him. All the atrocities we continue to experience are from worshiping other gods and religions that do not protect us as a people. We are trying to use other tools to render aid to our troubles and they are not working. What will it take for us to receive the tutelage of ያሁኣ, which will bring us to success in economic restoration? We are scattered around the earth with no foundational authority to assist our people. We have to be the international community to help ourselves, to aid our troubles, to mend our families back together. For Tigrayans and other Horn Africans, there is no other way for us to gain power but through ያሁኣ. You can visibly see that we have no influence upon the world as other cultures influence us. 

We have been disenfranchised from our customs and all we have are social media videos of what resembles our heritage, but we do not have a stable foundation that sets us into command to assist our people. My message to you today is to receive ያሁኣ, he’s real, he’s not God. God is a fictional character that emulates ያሁኣ, and was created for us to not receive ያሁኣ. And because of our ancestors disobedience to not follow the instructions of ያሁኣ, we are separated today as a people, we are scattered, we are powerless. And each time we venture into another country that isn't our own for academia, we take on their characteristics and lose who we are. We have been crumbled down to nothing. The protests and rallying have done nothing to help us. We cry out to others for help and receive NOTHING, but refuse to cry out to ያሁኣ who will bring success and our people back into to power.

What are you searching for in your life? Did you know that ያሁኣ has the answer? Did you know that ያሁኣ forgives us? Did you know that God can not forgive or even assist Horn Africans? Did you know that if you create something to exist and were taught to do so for centuries, that you will believe the lie that was forced upon you? 

Last thing to know, melanin is a powerful element that all Horn Africans possess naturally. Yet, Caucasians (Westerners) have melanin conferences that people of melanin aren't invited to. This should be an indicator of how important we are regarding viewing an image of a Caucasian person who has only a fraction of melanin. ያሁኣ made the earth perfect, so why would ያሁኣ cause Caucasians to burn in the sun and Horn Africans to rest under the sun without burning? When food is burned, it's overcooked and typically doesn’t taste good, and this is the natural fate of Caucasians. These are people who can’t naturally exist under the sun without using skin balm and other protective solutions. Horn Africans need to recognize the signs that ያሁኣ gave us to identify that we are the foundational people of the earth, but Caucasians of many different countries want us to follow them who can’t sit in the sun without being burned. That’s your indicator that we are the first people on earth. ያሁኣ created us to move about the day without burning and naturally look good doing so, and Caucasians burning under the sun in fact displays that they are not the people they say they are. And since we’ve forfeited our positions, they have moved into power and have led us astray to believe that we are beneath them. You are serving Caucasians without question, as they desire to be us. This is why they have chased after our resources and are destroying our people using other Horn Africans as leaders, who were set into power to be rich to kill our people. Caucasians deflect to not be identified as the culprit. 

It’s time to awake, no more being passive and accepting the lies we were forced to believe for centuries. Our power is in the foundation of ያሁኣ, not God, not Jesus, not Lord. For all Horn Africans, His name is ያሁኣ.

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