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Writer's pictureHorn of Africa Prophet

Horn of Africa: Academia is Not Your Best Trait

To: The Horn of Africa

From: Horn of Africa Prophet

Date: 8.10.2023

I greet you with the love of ያሁአ. The Bible is an up to date document and it speaks about us (the Horn of Africa) as the people of ያሁአ and what's going on with us today. In the scripture below, I have added round brackets ‘( )’ and square brackets ‘[ ]’ to give insight that ያሁአ is in fact speaking to the Horn of Africa. For example…

Ecclesiastes 4:1 (Complete Jewish Bible version - CJB)

1) But I turned away and thought about all the kinds of oppression being done under the sun.

I saw the tears of the oppressed (Horn of Africa), and they had no one to comfort them [not even the international community]. The power was on the side of their oppressors (who control the Horn of Africa), and they had no one to comfort them (as the Horn of Africa suffers through famine, war, and displacement).

What is the message here? The message is that many of us (Horn of Africa) do not associate the Bible with today’s living standards and that we are in fact the original people of the Bible. We have given our power to our enemies who have taken us away from our Horn of Africa culture, as we have adapted to other lifestyles outside of our own. The enemies that you see who look like us aren't spiritual people and they are not concerned about our welfare. They are promoting an agenda of genocide, and even though our enemies look like us, their agenda comes from a higher authority that does not derive from us. The goal is to reap the benefits of our country and its resources while keeping us away from utilizing our very own resources. That’s called psychological warfare and we are the ones not understanding the truth about the power we have in ያሁአ to stop this from continuing.

Yes, even today, there are Prophets in the world who speak the messages of ያሁአ, as the days of the Bible. The more things change, the more they stay the same. Technology doesn’t remove the presence and power of ያሁአ, PhD’s and degrees do not remove the fact that ያሁአ created the world. But what has changed is the fact that we, as the Horn of Africa, have walked away from our power to have global influence and replaced it with academia. Any person can write a book of academia, but where’s the spiritual liberation where we have control over ourselves and the power to help our families? That power comes from ያሁአ, not the international community, not your oath taking, not your Director’s positions. And because we have assigned ourselves to our enemies command, they have become rich by using our PhD’s, degrees, and our inherited technical wisdom and skills.

If you want to help our people, call on ያሁአ (YAHWAH). Get on your knees TODAY and call out to him, to cry out to him for helping our people to be in power again. Call on YAHWAH for us to not serve our enemies and that we will win against them. NO ONE is assisting us in our demise… NO ONE. YAHWAH will help the Horn of Africa as a people to recover our families from our enemies. YAHWAH will give us resources to straighten our lives, and the power to defeat our enemies who look like us, and the ones who have given them power to destroy us. Our degrees may keep us out of poverty, but they DO NOT give us power to succeed our enemies. Oh Horn of Africa, why suffer in mediocrity?

-Horn of Africa Prophet

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