There are so many cultures, even thousands around the world regarding melanated people. Melanated people are people who have pigmentation, a color tone to their skin. There’s a phenomenon that’s been set in place by the elite since Bacon’s Rebellion in the 1600’s where the melanated people, from Africa to America, are being forced into a one race dynamic. These people are called, “Black People”. Besides the obvious myth that all melanated people are the same, there are the elite who are pushing to make this ‘one race’ exist so that all melanated people from Africa to America shall co-exist in one group. It is the HipHop culture that has escorted this absurdity into motion. Music is influential, so the younger generation has always been driven by what they hear. Music in the 1960’s was about justice for the people and the youth were driven to fight against the people who attacked them, they followed the elders of the community for justice. Today, there has been an influx of social media influencers who have no sense of community, no sense of moral fiber, and no patience to listen to the elders of the land. The imbalance of Black culture (considered to be dark culture) around the world has tarnished people who were to be an Ethereal people.
Racial titles have been established upon melanated people to our own demise. This being called ‘Black’ as a single people is destroying the foundation of many ethnic customs around the world. And because of the word black or being called black, many have accepted and assimilated to the conditions that word projects. The very first noticeable condition this word offers, mostly by police, is ‘fitting the description’ of the usual suspect. So if the new generation of youth are all emulating HipHop culture who desire to look like thugs, they have inducted themselves into the profile of the usual suspects who commit crimes. If all Black people look like one type of person, which they are trying to make all melanated people be criminals, then there would be no reason to respect any of the melanated people of the world who actually do conduct themselves in a manner outside of the imposed narrative. A melanated person might say that they don’t do any of what Black people do, but if you are from a different country and wear cultural HipHop attire, you will in fact fit the description of what the police are searching for here in America. They have profiled the majority of Black men to be menace to society, even without proof or evidence of a crime. It doesn't matter what country you are from when coming to America, you will fit the description of a criminal because of the pigment of your skin and HipHop culture. So-called Black males are assassinated by the police in record numbers and many officers are not reprimanded for their actions. It has also been discovered that Black people images used in police training represent criminals and are the main focus when the officer becomes full time in the community. Police Officers begin their careers focusing on terrible examples of what true criminals look like. As a matter of fact, their actions against citizens are true acts of treason when they are supposed to serve and protect. But they are redirected to look at a false narrative to maintain that Black people stay in their place of being ridiculed at all times.
This mission derives from the elite desiring that no melanated person shall rise against them, and that their Caucasian counterparts, who are not wealthy, become unofficial overseers of the so-called Black people to keep them in their place.
It’s the elite of the world who have initiated this tragic persona through owning all the music companies, the news agencies, social media outlets and other industries to maintain control. They are able to project onto society that all melanated people, no matter where you are from, are all black and act black. This term 'Black people' translates to meaning a people consistently operating in demonic activities. They want society to result in believing that melanated people have no good within themselves, no morality or any sense of integrity.
But when the focus is highlighted on them, one can see the unjust coercion implemented to appease their mission of staying in control through division of the people to conquer the masses.
Since the elite desire strongly to be the dominant race, why try to prove such if already in control? They spend a lot of time degrading the so-called Black man to stay beneath them, but if you are better than the people you are attacking, why try to force the negative narrative that melanated people are all thugs and troublesome? Their media outlets are full reporting troublesome Black people, which in most cases, are experiencing systemic inequalities. One might say that the news is simply reporting what they see. I say the elite have in fact studied melanated people and have infiltrated by inserting structural agendas that caused melanated people to be called black, or be seen as black, which is a racial epithet.
There was a lot of planning that went into this project of naming “Black people” for us to become something that’s destroying us. This racial construct has not benefited us, and as you pump your fist to say, “I’m Black and I’m Proud.”, know that you are speaking a negative decree that will cause destruction to you and the generation you create. The answer to this dilemma is turning to YAW”WAH, there’s no other alternative or way out. You must understand that everything around you has been planted for your destruction. Plan your return now!
Begin with serving YAW’WAH today, there’s no other way.
This article is spot on, and I for one am tired of seeing melanated people bleaching their skin, trying to be “white” when they have seen all the movies showing they will never be accepted. Yes, NEVER.
What Rigat wrote applies to Africa too!
Africa is an Italian word, and the same as “black,” it has not language, no historical cultural traditions. The kingdoms, and monarchies of so called “Africa” have been changed to colonial republics. All of these kingdoms have languages, oral traditions, customs, spiritual practices, unlike “Africa” They are not the same, they are not going to be the same. Does this mean they can cooperate and have alliances with their fellow kingdoms? Well, not I the fake…
It is so good to have this discussion, as this is much needed to bring awareness about this so call “black” racial construct. Much debate and fitter has been presented in this topic like the attached research of the Nigrescene Theory. In the attempt to understand the self-hatred of melanated people and the Shock Doctrine that has promoted this crayon color as something to be proud.
Black has no language, no national origin, and no historical cultural relevance. While so called “blacks” know this, their programmed mindsets propels them to follow the Eurocentric elites depiction of them, and defy its origins to make i to something positive. This is absurd. Negative + negative will never produce a positive charge.