In times of trouble, we automatically result in fear. It’s almost a normal thing to do. There’s so much stress presented by the elite who controls the world. It’s hard to imagine that just a few families on the earth have control over how and what we eat, what we look at for entertainment, how we wrongly perceive relationships to not leave legacies for our next generation. In fact, people are saying today, which is initiated by the elite who want to only exist among themselves, that it’s better to stay by yourself to not be apart of toxic relationships. If women today are the ones who have authority that a man should possess, quite surely we will have an imbalance of troubles more than peace. The authority that commands a community to grow is by the power of strong spiritual men who seek YAHWAH/ El Amlak. Not having this position in place removes how women respond to men today.
The object that causes much worry/ doubt/ fear in today's society is not having possessions. And because women today in America all want to be millionaires, which everyone can’t be this, this causes stress on men who try developing their normal lives to work in career style positions that earns a pay to start families. Women want millionaires to take care of them without doing work to support generating more capital for their businesses just to be on social media to display a luxurious lifestyle. The mental imposition upon women derives from shows like 'House Wives of Atlanta' that displays wealthy lifestyles of people who 'look like' they maintain wealth. This is stressful upon society because women today are the authority over men. What’s the goal of this mentality? It’s the elite who desire to destroy the foundations of women having children so they will not populate. When so called 'Black women' do not populate, this goes along with the elite’s mission to be the only ones on earth.
The actions of women arguing back and forth with men about who’s right or wrong derives from a mission to destroy people to not build nuclear family structures. This issue started in 1676 with Bacon's rebellion where so called 'Black and White people' came together against the wealthy. And since then, there has been a mission from the elite to never be placed into that position of attack ever again by the normal people of society. This started the wars of White against Black people, women against men, children against parents, political parties against another party, etc. They dictate what social norms should be in place, how you think and live in today's society to always being angry at something or somebody, causing division with your neighbors, other races and businesses. Before Bacon's Rebellion 1676, there were no race wars.
Someone might say, "Well, if I become rich like the elite, I can be apart of their club and they will accept me." That's not how this works. If you produce significant amounts of money, it will never be the trillions of dollars they own from controlling and robbing the world of its resources, and if you cross their paths and they let you in, you will only be used as a puppet for their mission to destroy the world to reduce peace upon the races. They are the ones who created the racial construct, they are the ones who own the media to display melanted people as always being problematic. They are the ones who actually began the inception of displaying problematic Black people through films back in the 1950's. This has manifested very well according to their goals.
We are operating as a society under much stress and strain. So what psychologically happens when a society of women don’t get what they desire, which is a rich and wealthy man? They shut themselves off saying there’s no available men. But in fact, because women have been directed by the elite to be selfishly bold in their passions to not think about the sense of building communities, stress has been the generating energies in society. Women are designed to procreate, not live to only think about projecting wealth. Does a car procreate? How about a boat? If not these entities, who will NATURALLY do the job? The imbalance of what a person is supposed to contribute to society, and not do so, causes strain and stress to an entire community.
American women, who were not raised in nuclear family homes, have the mentality of little girls desiring to be taken care of, simply by the fact of not having a father figure. So it’s easy for these women to place themselves into positions where they receive monies from older gentlemen to live wealthy lifestyles and not procreate to build bloodlines. It is safe to say that most of these men have already produced family legacies.
Who’s winning? The elite are because Black American woman believe they have been lied to, that they are better than men, and they can do better than men. But here’s a question, when you have them understand there are men who became women and these men claim being better than women, and out do them in certain activities, why do they oppose this? Funny thing, they are men acting as women, but still operate in the power of influence of a man maintaining dominance.
This is a confusing society we live in, but nevertheless, the show must go on. The psychological standpoint that we must obtain is a spiritual one. One that is not full of stress from imposed social norms, one that doesn’t fall in line with the people who desire to destroy your existence. This comes from the power of knowing YAHWAH, this does not come from religion. YAHWAH isn’t attached to, and is not the creator of any religion. Christianity/ Islam/ Judaism are man made and have permeated the world. And yet, where’s the peace of their so called god who is supposed to bring rest upon the earth? There isn't peace because religions are entities to control people, it is for population control for the masses. Want to know what stress really is? Stress is living outside of the power of YAHWAH. YAHWAH is the creator of the world, not god, not lord, not jesus (LGJ). These are created characters to dictate how you live and think. You have been tricked into believing that your non-existing religious dogma prevails. It’s just a source to stagnate people to live in their own will outside the mission of YAHWAH for the elite to maintain power over you.
It’s time to receive YAHWAH, he is in fact returning. You will never witness a return from the lord/ god/ jesus (LGJ). These LGJ stories derive from the original people of YAHWAH and all stories have been manipulated into religious tales they never existed.
Learn today about who YAHWAH is... he's Founder and Creator of the earth.
Many women will read this and be offended, having the victim mentality of being attacked, without having a full understanding of the message outside of their feelings. Logically it’s not realistic for every woman to want a millionaire, as every man is not a millionaire. Many will say, they don’t want to lower their standards when they desire a millionaire working as a cashier at McDonalds or a secretary in a cubicle for the government. None of which themselves have produces millions. On the other hand, you will have those who fantasize about making millions and present themselves as millionaires in the making through side hustles, real estate or MLM members, still never achieving millionaire ststus while wanting a millionaire…