Adapting to the world’s standards is one way to not be successful in leaving a legacy for our people. We are only living for now, not the future. That’s the difference between us and our enemies. They are setting foundations for legacy for their communities. We only live for now to get the money, to get the career, to stabilize our own life. Our enemies have set plans in place to remove us from our legacy, and this started in 1884 with the Great Scramble for Africa (The Berlin Conference). Here it is 140 years later and they are successfully gaining momentum in obtaining Ethiopia and the other Provinces of Horn Africa. You may think it’s our own people who have started these civil wars against ourselves, but when you understand what legacy is and how it works, you have no idea what capabilities our enemies have in trying to conquer their mission. And since we are only thinking of the ‘now’ versus the future, we are captured in our enemies stronghold who use our people to conquer us. The only way our people are able to be used as an enemy against ourselves is not having ያሁኣ, and the one who is in office now initially did have ያሁኣ. He was taken by greed and manipulation from our enemies who have been trying to gain all parts of Africa since 1884. So, because we do not adhere to the power of ያሁኣ, we are left with nothing, our lands conquered, our families destroyed.
How many more centuries will we keep doing the same things expecting power? We have been colonized via academia, and I know it's a means to overcome poverty, but what are you leaving for the next generation that will keep your legacy prospering? What are you doing now to secure the future of our kinsmen who know nothing about who we are or where we came from? Our enemies have diagrams of who and where they came from. Generations of kinsmen in their families can trace where they come from. Do you have this legacy for your family? Do we have anyone in Ethiopia who has successfully created a legacy chart that leads them to their previous generations that have economic power today? The answer is no because we have no power and no land. We are trying to use Christianity to shut enemies away from us who penetrate our communities.
So the message is this, don’t expect your enemies to be so kind as to give back what they have taken because you have no plans to secure your future other than a good career. Our enemies have not only good careers, but they have passed on their wealth to the generations after them. You say that they must be doing something right if they are able to do these things, but I say to you that because we are not in our rightful places in ethereal knowledge of who ያሁኣ is, we are NOT able to claim the legacies that are provided for our future generations. So what occurs is that our enemies become the recipients of our land resources, our land minerals, our agriculture, our real estate. There is nothing left for us to give to our people because our enemies have possession of our future.
In Tigray today, tourism is increasing rapidly and Caucasians are now visiting in groups. One thing I’ve learned about being in America is that when you start seeing Caucasians in an area where they were not visiting frequently or a neighborhood you wouldn't normally see them, it means they are prepared to take over and governments are promoting these excursions without the locals knowing about it. They will eventually move the locals to a more undeveloped area to progress the main tourist areas for their own greed. And for some reason, we believe that tourism is going to help us become more stable when in fact, you are the target to be removed from your area so your enemies can become wealthy. This is called gentrification. If I were you, I’d be very keen on adopting the presence of ያሁኣ who can and will stop our enemies. Your Christianity has led you to not having anything. You now have no economic power, no influence to get help from the international community, no community alliance that causes people to listen to what you have to say. I’m specifically telling you where the power is, it’s in ያሁኣ. He is the only one that saves Horn Africans. What about Caucasians? Where do they get their power? If Tigrayans would simply call on ያሁኣ as a people, and we are his people, they would not have the power or influence to do what they do. Because they prepare for the future for their next generations, they see that we have walked away from ያሁኣ, which they have studied us to know that he is where our power derives. We are the ones who have no idea, so they feed us gods and religions in order to keep us sedated in lies while they overtake our future. I ask again, if you love God and Jesus so much, then where is the saving mechanism that gives power over our enemies? So far there’s no proof that neither one is doing anything for our people and most Caucasians will NOT do anything for Africans but use us for our resources.
Albert Einstein, the famous Chemist wrote, “Insanity is doing the same things over and over expecting different results.” Tigray, you are INSANE for believing in Christianity! You have nothing to prove that I’m wrong, you have no power or influence upon the nations, you have no ways to help our people but through donations. Yet, other countries can obtain almost billions in funding annually. Where does the power and influence start for us? His name is ያሁኣ. Adopt his ways and commandments today! Then and only then, will you have power and influence amongst the world.
Many idolatrous steales were erected cursing the land in Tigray, eventually leading to the destruction of Aksum Kingdom. This was done when the Arabic world conspired deliberately to redraw the map of Asia excluding Axsumite civilization destroying its economic power.
Reference Aksum the African Iron Age Kingdom.
This is also evident during the Aksum era which started off simple and was then replaced by social elites as referenced in the article. When churches were added to the settlements full fledged urbanism ensued. The introduction of Christianity reduced local citizens who began the settlement to the lowest caste status.
We are turned over to our enemies when we do not adopt YAHWAH's legacy of protection and refuse to teach our children of his ways.
This is evident in the Sabean colonisation of Africa, which historians document first occuring around 1000 BC in Northern Ethiopia and Eritrea.