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Writer's pictureHorn Africa Prophet

Tigray: Build With Us, Your Future is Now

To: Tigray

From: Menelik IV, the Prophet

Date: 2.29.2024

Re: Your Contributions

Many of you, just as us at the monastery, are searching for ways to keep our heads above water. We have been stricken with financial issues and are searching for means to supplement these deficiencies. At the time of me writing this, many don't have answers to this dilemma and are seeking. One thing I’ve learned in my time with serving ያሁኣ is that there are tests we have to past. But why, you ask? It’s to prove that we are loyal to him, and not just here for the benefits in which he gives us. See, we have been devoted to things in our lives that aren’t devoted to us, and we give ourselves lifetime commitments to whatever these sources are… careers, academia, money, etc. But, none of these mentioned have protection and when we lose them, we lose hope. We are so committed to things and possessions, and none of them can deliver us from poverty, war, famine. Having money makes things easier to live, but really no solid protection. You can lose this any second, any minute, any day now. Your truth has to be in ያሁኣ and not the world.

Your contributions to the Chashah Monastery is key to your future. Many of you do not see the vision of the Founder Azzami that is set before you. Many of you do not see the future and the platform of stability he is providing through the Chashah Monastery that ያሁኣ is using to secure your destiny. Many of you really haven’t grasped the Chashah Monastery idea within yourselves. But I need you to really catch what I’m going to say, you are the future of the world, your historic culture is the foundation of the world. We are now being placed back into power through ያሁኣ and it is happening before your eyes. This is what Chashah Monastery is about, redesigning our lives back to ያሁኣ where everyone has much respect for who we are internationally as we serve ያሁኣ. It may be hard to grasp, but the time is now where you get in on securing your future with ያሁኣ. It is your destiny and you can forfeit in disbelief if you choose, but I encourage you to secure your future in ያሁኣ now so that when its time for all the good things to happen, you will be riding on the wave of prosperity and remember being devout to ያሁኣ, who will be in honor of you.

Understand this, every relationship is tested. What does that mean? It means that as you grow through the relationship you have with ያሁኣ, there will be times like now where you will ask if you have made the right decision in choosing ያሁኣ. But staying steadfast is the greater reward. Serving ያሁኣ is like going to college and having the tenacity to obtain a degree, a Masters, a Ph.D. You MUST have the same drive and ingenuity serving ያሁኣ. You have in fact made the correct decision in choosing ያሁኣ, and will be rewarded for your tenacity. Your dedication now to ያሁኣ while times are hard represent times of testing your faith, which you need to succeed in. 

Lastly, study hard at ያሁኣ just as you study on career building in college and getting a job. Study him as if you have dedicated your lives to previous gods. Your reward is before you, do not stop now! ያሁኣ does in fact love you for your diligence. Build with us, the Chashah Monastery, the ones helping you see the light of ያሁኣ. Tigray, your future is now!


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S Azaz
S Azaz
Feb 29
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

I have to say this message aligns with exactly what you are speaking. ያሁኣ is already providing us a solution. He literally had me send this message today. This is what Chashah Monastery is about, working to accomplish our goals proposed such as: recruiting, assembling CMU team to create books, materials, training modules etc., that can be utilized to generate income creating a job for yourself here at CMP. You are in the perfect place serving ያሁኣ who will cause your business plans to succeed. None of us are just volunteers. We are honoring ያሁኣ by moving his vision forward to bring us economic stability. Each week we honor ያሁኣ on Sanbat (Saturday) and do no work, just worship him,…


Another great message from the Prophet. Thank you for your faithfulness.

I would like to add that of course in Christianity, the law has been done away with, so there is no accountability for rebellion or idolatry. Many Christians say one thing, but completely do the opposite of what the book or deity they believe in instructions them to do. Yet turn around and proclaim, I am a good person because I donate some canned goods to the food pantry. Fake Faith in Christianity allows them to do whatever they want with no regard for ያሁኣ or his laws. Fake Faith lets you wear the Christianity logo, but not actually apply the principles of what they claim they believe in…


Feb 29
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

How do we go back to our old ways after having success in ያሁኣ? We call it our comfort zone, we perceive in our minds a false sense of safety even when we recognize we are in a bad and uncomfortable situation. It’s so easy for us to put ourselves on autopilot and to numb ourselves to avoid facing what is really going on. We’ve all done it. We all do it. Coping mechanism to just survive. There has to be more than just surviving. Where is the selam in ያሁኣ? We hear about self-medicating,self-soothing, however, these are not reliant upon ያሁኣ as our source of strength, which is leads to a more progressive spiraling downfall. Denial of the circumstances…

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