Why do we expect protection from a spiritual being and still do what we want? It's very clear that you can’t treat ያሁኣ in this fashion because you wouldn't be experiencing the loss of family members, loss of finances, and can’t find jobs as a nation of people. With God (aka Christianity), you can do and be whomever you want because there is no reprimand. Christianity accepts you for who you are without worship, reverence, or even acknowledging it. As long as you continue to confess, “I’m a Christian.”, you are covered. But are you really covered? Was Christianity set in place as a political entity to destroy the people of ያሁኣ so we would lose the capability to maintain independent power? The answer to this is yes because every god protects their people, and so far, Caucasians have been protected around the world because of Christianity and Judaism. These are political systems (hidden behind religion) for the world to serve Caucasians. How many Ethiopian nations have authority to influence the world today? Even Haile Selassie was controlled by the U.S. gov’t through Judaism as he implemented building Jewish schools and colleges. This was an Emperor who had influence to change the world for our people to serve ያሁኣ, but he chose to serve Jewish people and their god. Adonai is NOT ያሁኣ, God is not ያሁኣ, Hesham is not ያሁኣ. Understanding Judaism recognizes that they also call their god “the Name” stating that the name of ያሁኣ is too holy to speak. This let's you know that they aren't the people of ያሁኣ. So if I needed help from my mother, would I say, “Hey, The Name, I need help.” or do I call her mom? Do I call the grocery store for a car mechanic? No, it’s the wrong place to search for a mechanic. So why do we use other peoples gods to search for protection and prosperity? It is ያሁኣ who protects us Horn Africans.
Psalms 50:15 “...and call on me when you are in trouble; I will deliver you, and you will honor me.”
It is true that God has more than one name, and you can actually call him what you choose and will get no results, as proven when you have recently been praying to him for help with no results. How long do you stay on the phone waiting for good customer service and no one answers? The above script (in blue) says that ያሁኣ will answer in time or trouble. Has God, Lord, Jesus done so? I’ll put you to the test, call on ያሁኣ to see if he will answer to discover how quickly he responds. In Christianity, people have a tendency to think that they just need to be patient with God to get a response. But the above scripture says to call ያሁኣ when you are in trouble. The word didn’t say anything about being passive to wait while you are in distress to receive help with no hope. It’s because Christianity is a political faction set in place to terminate the growth of Horn Africans gaining dominance over Caucasians. You are serving Caucasians under Christianity and Judaism. Lord/ Jesus are Caucasian… isn’t this evident that you are serving Caucasians? Are you so smart to be a Ph.D. that you are too dumb to see that you’re serving a political system that destroys our people through Christianity? ...and that you are also serving people who want you to fear them so they can stay lifted above you in power? They gave us Christianity and our leaders have accepted it. But when you venture into Ethiopian villages from North to South who don’t operate under political influences, you’ll discover that they know the name of ያሁኣ. They don’t serve anything outside of him.
Many of you serve in Christianity out of fear knowing that mercenaries will attack you. So let’s look at this concept. The God, Lord, Jesus you serve is forced upon you, and you do it out of fear of getting attacked but expect this same entity that was forced upon you to save you? That’s like being sent to jail and expecting the Warden, who is the head of the jail, to save you just because you requested it. That’s just like being in a van with people who have kicked you out on the side of the road and then you calling them to come rescue you. That’s just like someone taking your wallet and then you call them to pay a bill from the credit card they stole from you. Christianity doesn't make sense for us Horn Africans. It only complicates things the longer we stay attached to it. It causes our enemies to really conquer who we are and our land resources.
It is fact that Caucasians strongly desire wanting to be us, and they have placed a false narrative into society in the 1950’s that Ethiopians, from Eritrea to Southern Ethiopia, are Caucasian. When you research this falsehood, you will begin to understand that they have been planning to be us for centuries and have used Christianity to make us default in power for them to eventually take over Ethiopia to become Ethiopians. And that’s what all these wars are about. As a Prophet, I want to warn you, Ethiopia will be overtaken by Caucasians and the Ethiopian Federal Gov't has already been driving bus loads of Caucasians into Tigray in tourism for gentrification.
This is the time to get rid of God, Lord, Jesus and Christianity. It has been our downfall for centuries and has gotten us nowhere. Where's the proof that Christianity has saved us and prospered us? You have no answer for this because it doesn't exist. Our enemies have studied us and have realized that all Horn Africans need is hope. We rely on hope that something positive will happen to us that never happens. This hope is an endless circle that never produces positive results. To prove this, we continue to hope that the United Nations or the international community will step in to help us. But when you have ያሁኣ, you don’t need hope because all prayers are answered. We are in an endless cycle of 'hope'... get rid of it TODAY and call on ያሁኣ.
Serve ያሁኣ today!
I thank both of you for your posts and for the information. I have read the articles and see the devastation and suffering of our people. It is so painful to watch over 351 people in tigray have died of starvation and the 50 year old mother is on her deathbed, while the wickedness of Prosperity Party leader Abiy is the only one profiting. Addressing parliament insisting his government is not sitting by letting people starve. Lies!. We need help, we need help. Please pray for relief, ask that the plagues be removed, and that our enemies be stopped.
Definitely can’t deny what you are saying. Following Christianity for thousands of years, does not mean that it is right! If a person continues to smoke or drink alcohol for years and then gets lung cancer or liver disease, was it right to do so because it did not affect them until many years later?
Our people cannot continue worshiping idols above ያሁኣ, and then believe he will not allow their enemies to overtake them or for plagues and disaster to come upon our land. At some point you have to ask yourself, why is this prophet coming to warn us? What is the reason he takes time to write ያሁኣ’s messages to you every week? Being right in your…
In Jason E. Craig’s 2010 Thesis, Haile Selassie and the Religious Field: Generative Structuralism and Christian Missions in Ethiopia, we see the controlling mindset that drives Christian Imperialism to destroy ethnic groups who historically resisted Selassie’s Amharic culture. According to Craig, Selassie permitted foreign missions, such as the Sudan Interior Mission and Swedish Evangelical Mission to function as his personal subcontractors for what he believed was the success of civilization. These missionaries were allowed to build schools, establish medical stations and evangelize non-Orthodox populations.
Usurping one lawless pagan Christian doctrine for another. ያሁኣ used this to bring about the destruction of Selassie’s reign through resistant uprisings from Maale and Oromo converts. Oromo migrations in the sixteenth century create power struggles…